Friday, January 6, 2012

Glory of the Hero: What the Eck?

What the Eck?
Defeat Gal'darah in Gundrak on Heroic Difficulty while under the effects of Eck Residue.

This achievement is in the running for the easiest of them all. To be safe, kill all the bosses up to Gal'darah prior to killing Eck. This will prevent you from dying to something stupid or buggy and losing the smelly debuff.

Make sure you get hit by Eck Spit (you might resist it a couple times) in order to pick up the debuff Eck Residue, which lasts for 60 minutes. Then simply kill the last boss in Gundrak and get your easy achievement.

Glory of the Hero: The Incredible Hulk

The Incredible Hulk
Force Svala Sorrowgrave to kill a Scourge Hulk on Heroic Difficulty in Utgarde Pinnacle.

An old school achievement that everybody was gungho to get when Wrath was released which proves somewhat challenging to solo. The method I used was to let Svala go through her speech at the beginning while bringing a Scourge Hulk down to under 6,000 HP for an instant kill from the sword or 16,650 HP for a slow, painful death from the DoT.

Svala's sword will do 6,650 to 7,350 damage in a 4 yard radius and put a 1,000 DPS DoT on everybody also in a 4 yard radius. This also means that you need your pet to be tanking the Scourge Hulk within 4 yards of the platform, this can be tricky since Svala has a knockback. You may get unlucky and get knocked off at the last second. If this happens, dismiss your pet and feign death to reset everything.

You should turn Thunderstomp off auto-cast for your pet to prevent it from accidentally killing the Scourge Hulk once you get it down to low health.

Glory of the Hero: Doesn't Go To Eleven

Doesn't Go to Eleven
Defeat Forgemaster Garfrost in The Pit of Saron on Heroic Difficulty before any player gets 11 stacks of Permafrost.

I'm unsure whether pet stacks cause this achievement to fail or not but I did not manage my pets stacks in any way, my assumption is it does not. The majority of the fight, I was tanking all of the adds so don't worry about them unless your DPS is so low that they kill you before you kill the Forgemaster.

You can reset your stacks with Deterrence at any point. The range on the aura is 200 yards so outranging it is a bit unreasonable. For the most part, with a Prismatic Elixir, the stacks were falling off prior to 11. I had to use Deterrence once to reset the stacks. If you are having trouble, get a bit of frost resistance gear and be sure to hide behind the saronite rocks he throws and you should be able to complete it with minimal effort.

Glory of the Hero: Don't Look Up

Don't Look Up
Clear the hallway before Scourgelord Tyrannus in The Pit of Saron on Heroic Difficulty without anyone taking icicle damage on the first try.

This particular achievement was a bit more stressful than others simply because it must be executed perfectly on the first try. I was not sure if my pet would count as "anyone" so I made sure he was dismissed before running to the first safe platform halfway down the hall. I laid a frost trap down to keep the mobs along the way off me and ended up using Deterrence for good measure, as well. This is how it went:

1. Dismiss pet
2. Run up to the first platform, keeping the mobs off you any way you want
3. Feign Death when you reach the platform in the middle
4. Break feign death by summoning your pet
5. Move your pet to one side of the platform while you stand on the other
6. Misdirect incoming waves to pet
7. Secure the platform
8. Put your pet on a mob and run up the remainder of the hallway, leaving the pet behind
9. Misdirect all mobs along the way to your pet
10. Feign Death at the end, just off of the snow pathway

This method causes all the guards along the hallway to reset and leaves you with only the small pack of 4 at the end to kill to get the achievement. It also makes managing your pet simple, in the event that icicle damage on it will cause the achievemen to fail.


Glory of the Hero: Intense Cold

Intense Cold
Defeat Keristrasza in The Nexus on Heroic Difficulty without allowing Intense Cold to reach more than two stacks.

This achievement should pose no problem to most. I did not manage my pet at all which leads me to believe the pets stacks are irrelevant to get this achievement. The only time you will be in danger of getting more than two stacks is when Keristrasza casts Crystallize, which she will announce with an emote: "Stay, enjoy your final moments." I used a Prismatic Elixir (90 resistance, 1 hour) to be safe and did end up resisting one of the two casts.

To get this achievement, you will need two of the following: Master's Call, a PvP trinket, Readiness, Deterrence, or luck with resists. I ended up using Master's Call and got a resist but had Master's Call up again with Readiness. Simply DPS her with your pet tanking, moving around to keep the debuff low, and using one of the above abilities to break out of Crystallize when she casts it. If your DPS is exceedingly low, she may cast it a third time. The ability appears to have a 50 yard range so if you are in dire need, you can move out of her room to avoid any subsequent Crystallize's.

Note: There is a very cheap frost resistance mail set (Icy Scale) from Wrath that can be picked up which should certainly guarantee resists.


I'd like to briefly introduce myself for those that might be interested in why this blog has been created. I'm a Horde Hunter on the Crushridge server named Hunterlol (quite original, I know) primarily interested in achievements. I've spent some time working my way through various achievements and I will be providing guides that chronicle my experiences with various achievements with a focus on hunter play only. Each guide will be from the perspective of a MM hunter.

I am by no means an expert hunter or an authority on the best way to go about doing these achievements, I merely hope that my guides can help others that may be struggling. I would certainly encourage everybody to spend the time on their own to learn how to do each encounter as this is significantly more rewarding, but I understand that this may be easier said than done for some.

Regardless of the reason you are here, I hope you find the guides helpful and informative! Happy hunter!